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Day 13: Someone who was a classmate

A bit of cheating here because I'm writing this to the both of you.

I remember joining the firm and people calling us blackberry babes because we were the only one's who had blackberries?


I know right.

So baby girls.

Prayers for M: That your marriage is full of love and light and happiness and every single thing you wish for.

For a spirit of love, power and sound mind, because I know you are a muslim but these are the tenets in the bible that was given to us in place of fear.

In other words, that you have no fears as you enter this new phase.

Prayers for O: That the thing you are working one goes seamlessly perfect ( I miss you already) and that you focus on your food blog already Ah! Is it until I tear your clothes via dragging that you will face it.

That you find happiness in the little things ( and the big things) and in all things- because you glow when you are happy.

I can not believe it has been over 5 years since we used to sit in the library all day doing not a damn thing.

Just so you both know, I am so proud of what you both have achieved, you both inspire me ( to come earlier and be less flaky- I am doing quite well this year); and that I love you both and even though I am adverse to making work place friends you are both such amazing people I really didn't stand a chance.

Also please lets try and be on time tomorrow AH!

( I know I might be late, but I'm trying).

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