Day 10: Someone I admire

Baby girl,
I would always say a prayer for you. there are fewer people who have walked your route and have not lost their sparkle.
You leave so much sparkle wherever you go. and OMG your generous spirit. You give and give and give. I swear you are the epitome of givers never lacking. You are so full of love and life and it's the most admirable thing really.
You are literally magic. I hope this note reminds you of this if you ever forget.
I admire how to manage relationships with people and with God and I mostly admire your honesty and candor with which you speak. There are so few people who are able to be honest without being cruel.
But not you. I love that about you.
And I admire that about you.
And I just generally admire you.
Cant wait till crop tops on your birthday, you are almost there.
Love & Light.