Day 9: Someone who is part of your chosen family

LOL. I love how from small twitter you have become like a massive part of my life.
Remember my first twitter account when I was writing ICAN and you rallied everyone to pray for me so I could come back to being a nuisance full time?
Ah good times.
I'm praying for you, and it makes me especially glad to pray for you because, if there is anyone praying for me. It's you.
I pray you find love. The type that is kind. And true. even better than the type that we have and it makes you deliriously happy.
Asides the fact that you are yorubae, you have also been such an amazing friend/ brother to ALL of us, including lady in courtship.
I mean you let me cook my MSG free dinner in your kitchen. You are a star boy.
Ps: I CAN. NOT.WAIT.FOR. you know what.
Pss: How are we going to make money this year now?
Psss: I love the messages you send me for Christmas.
Pssss: Hurry back to Lagos abeg, lets our love flourish, I have openings in my life now full time.
Psssss: You also need to get you a girl. Ah.
Pssssss: (last one I promise): I have lost so much weight you should see me now, I lie that I'm a model and people believe me. Ha.